What Makes a ‘Good’ Model?

All ecologists will use some form of model in nearly every paper they write although we might not always realise it.  Sometimes this might be a simple statistical model such as the families of linear models used to test the differences between different groups or to ascertain relationships between measurements made out in the field,…

Greetings from INTECOL: Happy Birthday BES

The constant travel for workshops, meetings, and training courses has meant there’s been a bit a gap between the posts here: sorry about that.  However, I am pleased to say that, despite repeated attempts by the British public transport infrastructure to thwart my attendance, I have arrived at the joint BES/INTECOL conference.  This year is…

Maximum Sense about MaxEnt? My Two Cents

Some of you may be aware of an intense discussion surrounding a post by Professor David Warton on the wonderful Methods in Ecology and Evolution blog.  In this post Professor Warton outlines a series of key findings in various papers but, in particular one of his own coauthored with Ian Renner, which confirms a mathematical…

Finally online

It has finally happened.  After many months of colleagues commenting on my lack of online presence and more than a few comments of “you should really get your website sorted out”, I have finally succumbed to peer pressure.  For someone forever complaining about the rather lackadaisical nature by which new and improved methods are sometimes…